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Writers Write® is a major online resource for editors, publishers and writers. Our readership includes writers of all kinds, including published authors, beginning and professional freelancers, journalists, novelists, poets, screenwriters and songwriters. Our websites provides an enormous amount of information for beginning and established writers, including articles, databases of links to writing resources, job listings, blogs, online communities, daily writing-related news, a writer's guidelines database and an award-winning magazine, The Internet Writing Journal® which provides articles, book reviews in all genres, interviews with authors and media leaders, and other features. It is also the home of the popular Writers Blog. is part of the WritersWrite® Lifestyle Network of websites. has been providing information for writers since it came online in early 1997, and has been featured in numerous publications including The Wall Street Journal, USA TODAY, the Guardian(U.K), CNN, Media Daily, Writer's Journal, Writer's Digest, The Writer, and Yahoo Internet Life for its outstanding content. Each month, the Writers Write® Network receives over 5 million pageviews and 1.5 million unique visitors.
An Advertorial is a block of text and a small graphic which is integrated into our editorial content. A small, text graphic in gray indicates to our readers that the text is an advertisement. Specs for graphic and text: Max height: 100 pixels, Max width: 100 pixels, under 10k, .gif format, animations acceptable up to three screens, 50 words of text, 6 word headline in initial caps, all caps not allowed. Link to your website; no email links. Click throughs on Text Advertorials are tracked through a referrer. Text and graphic must be approved in advance.
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We currently rotate the standard banner size, 728 x 90, throughout our network on the top of each of our webpages. The maximum banner size is 20k. Both animated and static banners are accepted. Examples of this size banner are shown below:

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