Writing Horror Book Review
Writing Horror Edited by Mort CastleWriter's Digest Books, 1997.
209 pp. ISBN: 0898797985

Writing Horror is a collection of well-written and researched articles on writing and selling horror fiction penned by the experts in the subject who are also members of the Horror Writers Association. The articles are hard-hitting and lunge right into the heart of the subject and pull out all the gory details.
For example, an article entitled "Cyberhorror: Online Resources for the Horror Writer" by Paula Guran lays out the advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet for networking, research and promotion, "He Said? She Asked" by David Morrell aids writers in avoiding common dialogue mistakes when writing horror and "Such Horrible People" by Tina Jens helps you keep your characters from being puppets.
There are plenty of other articles as well, 39 in all, to aid you in writing horror fiction clever and gruesome enough to sell. Other articles cover agents, sex scenes, interactive horror, innovation, writing horror for children and titles of books you must read. The book also includes a "shockingly" brief history of the HWA from its start as The Howl. This anthology is a goldmine for the budding horror writer, providing excellent advice and guidance.
Ordering information: Amazon.com.
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