1999 Guide to Literary Agents
Edited by Donya Dickerson
Writer's Digest Books, January 1999.
Trade Paperback, 360 pages.
ISBN: 0898798787
Ordering information:
The Guide to Literary Agents
is an annual publication providing
listings of literary agents including
the type of work they seek,
what they charge and how to
contact them. The book also
includes articles that help writers with
the complicated process of
finding an agent. This year's
edition includes articles on
choosing the right agent,
queries, the author/agent relationship,
and electronic rights.
The 1999 edition contains
80 new agent listings. Agent
listings include fee charging
and non-fee charging agents who are seeking
seeking book manuscripts and screenplays.
The book also includes listings
of writing conferences, a glossary
and a geographical index so writers
can find agents by state.
1999 Guide to Literary Agents
provides writers with everything
they need to know about agents,
including how to find them
and how to approach them. An invaluable reference for
writers looking for their first agent and for
authors looking to change representation.
1999 Novel & Short Story Writer's Market
Edited by Barbara Kuroff
Writer's Digest Books, January 1999.
Paperback, 678 pages.
ISBN: 0898798760
Ordering information:

The latest edition of this top-notch reference
book for fiction writers contains new markets,
articles and additional helpful information.
Each year the resource contains articles to
help fiction writers learn more about the
business of fiction writing and interviews
with successful authors. This year's
edition includes articles on craft and technique,
plotting the mystery novel and creating romance
characters, as well as interviews with such famous and
successful authors as Mary
Higgins Clark, Amanda Scott and Olivia
Goldsmith. The market listings in the book are broken
into several categories including:
literary magazines, zines, commercial
magazines, book publishers and script
publishers. The listings contain
detailed contact information, types
of material the publisher is seeking,
circulation, payment and other
pertinent details.
Comprehensive listings of literary agents,
writers conferences, contests and writer's
organizations are also included.
The 1999 edition of
Novel & Short Story Writer's Market
is another excellent
collection of agents, fiction markets
and information about trends in these markets.
An information-packed reference for fiction
writers trying to find the right markets for
their work -- and increase their earnings.
The Economical Guide to Self-Publishing
by Linda Foster Radke
Five Star Publications, 1996.
Trade Paperback, 196 pages.
ISBN: 1877749168
Ordering information:

Self-publishing, if not done correctly,
can lead to costly and ineffective results.
This aid, from Linda Foster Radke,
helps writers understand
the self-publishing process and avoid
common mistakes along the way.
The book provides information on
numerous self-publishing concepts
and procedures including:
manuscript editing, ISBN numbers,
book printing, distribution, self-publishing
as a business, publicity, galleys, press
releases, author signings, conferences,
mailing lists, marketing and sales techniques.
A handy appendix in the back of the book includes
The A-Z's of self-publishing, listings of
useful publications, periodicals, distributors,
mailing list sources, sample book
covers, business forms, fliers and comment
Writers considering the self-publishing
option will find this book to be
an excellent guide
that provides advice from the early
manuscript stages to promotion of the finished product.
Return to the
March 1999 issue of The IWJ.
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