2001 Chicago Literary Award Winners Announced
Posted on April 25, 2001
The winners of the fourth annual Chicago Literary Awards are E. J. Levy for her story "Theory of Dramatic Action" and Kip Irwin, for his poem "Ovid in Tenth Grade." The winners will receive $1000 in prize money plus publication in ACM 39, due out this fall. The judge for fiction was writer and National Public Radio commentator Alan Cheuse. Poetry was judged by the widely-published poet Robert Dana, whose work includes the collection What I Think I Know.
E. J. Levy is from Columbus, Ohio. Her fiction has appeared recently in Mid-American Review and is forthcoming in the Missouri Review; her nonfiction has appeared in The Nation, Out, Utne Reader, and Orion. She received a degree in history from Yale University and is currently a second-year graduate student in the creative writing program at Ohio State University. Kip Irwin, of Langhorne Manor, Pennsylvania, teaches at a community college in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, and has worked as a volunteer in the correctional system for over twenty-five years.
The Chicago Literary Awards are awarded annually and have been sponsored by Another Chicao Magazine for the past four years. The next contest deadline will be December 15, 2001, submissions for which will be accepted beginning in the fall. ACM is an independent literary magazine that has been publishing poetry, fiction, reviews, and creative nonfiction since 1977.