Posted on April 7, 2008
Twitter is rapidly becoming one of the most popular services to create applications and mashups for. New Twitter apps and tools seem to be launching daily. Graham Langdon at the Entrecard Blog recently blogged that Twitter will be bigger than Facebook. Useful applications and tools created with Twitter's API could eventually be enough to propel Twitter past Facebook. Some of these Twitter tools may even become small businesses. Seesmic recently acquired the Twhirl Twitter client app - see Mashable's report.
Here are few highlights of some of the growing number of Twitter tools.
Commuter Feed, Commuter Feed is a free service that lets you post reports on traffic and transit delays in your local area using Twitter.
Ego Twitter'in, A ridiculous Twitter app from Snoop Dogg's web peeps that shizzolates your tweets. (no longer available)
News Services, A list of Twitter news services. Great for staying informed while you are using Twitter.
Qwitter, Qwitter is a social tool designed to help you quit smoking. (no longer available)
Remember The Milk, Add and interact with your rtm tasks by direct message. Also get reminders.
Tweetburner, Tweetburner tracks the clicks on links posted to Twitter - requires use of the Twurl url shortener. (no longer available)
TweetClouds, Make a tweet cloud from a public Twitter stream (no longer available)
TwitPic, TwitPic helps you share your photos on Twitter
Twittercal, Twittercal is a free service that connects your Twitter account to your Google Calendar.
Twitterholic, Twitterholic shows the twitterers with the most followers, friends and updates.
Twittervision, An addictive Twitter and Google Maps mashup showing the latest tweets and where the twitterer is located.
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