Ann Coulter Silenced by USA Today
Posted on July 29, 2004
It sounded like a great idea at the time. A new editor at USA Today thought it would be hip to have bestselling conservative author and pundit Ann Coulter (Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism) write essays from the floor of the Democratic National Convention this week, and then have bestselling author and Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker Michael Moore comment on the Republican National Convention. But when Coulter handed in her first essay, which referred to the Democrats as the "spawn of Satan" the powers that be at the newspaper were not amused, and the column was killed.
So, had the editor in question even read one of Ms. Coulter's columns? Has he even seen Fahrenheit 9/11? If not, he'd better take in a screening pretty fast or he may be just as surprised by what Mr. Moore has to say about the Republicans. Doesn't anyone do their homework anymore?