AudetteMedia Becomes Adventive

Posted on April 4, 2001

AudetteMedia, a publisher of discussion lists for Internet professionals, announced its official name change to Adventive. Company CEO and president John Audette also announced the launch of a new weekly publication, Adventive Report, which will highlight the companies that are persisting in the face of an Internet slump.

``Adventive is a biological term that describes a species in the process of adapting to a new environment -- which perfectly describes what we are all doing with the new environment of the Internet,'' explains Audette. ``Our mission is to give Internet professionals an edge by delivering information -- and more importantly, knowledge -- that will enable them to adapt as rapidly as possible.''

Adventive's new position statement -- The Internet Knowledge Exchange -- reflects the company's image while describing what they do. Audette explains: ``We all suffer from information overload -- but no one suffers from knowledge overload. And the exchange of knowledge is what Adventive is all about.''

Adventive Report's launch is timely in light of the current doom and gloom on the Internet. The weekly digest will spotlight the thousands of small businesses that are succeeding -- and even thriving -- on the Internet despite the reported depression. Through testimonials, examples and editorials, the newsletter will showcase a myriad of achievements in an evolving industry. The Adventive Report, launching April 4, will be published in HTML and text format every Wednesday.

``The Internet has caused wide swings of emotion as we try to cope with it, understand it, and apply its power intelligently,'' says Audette. ``What we need to discover is that the Internet is new, but it's not magic. It's simply another channel, another environment in which we can do business,'' he explains.

Adventive, established in 1995 as AudetteMedia, is an advertising supported publisher of discussion lists for Internet professionals. List moderators are industry-leading experts who filter the information and knowledge that they receive from opt-in subscribers. Lists published by Adventive include I-Sales, I-Search, I-PR, I-Design, I-Wireless and I-Domain, plus 10 others.

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