What is a Blogiversary
(bloggersblog > blogiversary)A blogiversary is a term used to designate the anniversary of a blog. It is your blog birthday. A blog celebrates its 1 year blogiversary a year after it was created. The creation date is usually the date the first blog post appeared on the blog. The word is a combination of the words "blog" and "anniversary."

Image: Writers Write, Inc.
Happy Blogiversary!
Bloggers might wish a fellow a happy blogiversary on their blogiversary date. This is more common on personal blogs than commercial blogs.
Many Blogiversaries
Some blogs have celebrated many blogiversaries. The word blog was originally weblog, which dates back to the late 1990s. The blogging boom occurred during the 2004 to 2006 years. Google bought Blogger from Pyra Labs in 2003. Some long-running blogs are around 15 years of age now and older. Many blogs will be hitting their 20-year blogiversaries early in the 2020s.
Other Blogging Milestones
Bloggers can also celebrate post milestones, photo milestones and traffic milestones. For example:
- This is my 100th post.
- This is my 500th posted photograph.
- This is post number 1,000 since I started blogging!
- This blog now receives over 50,000 viewers a month!