Blogging for the Dixie Chicks
Posted on June 19, 2006
The Washington Post has an interesting article about Law professor Junichi Semitsu who is spending the summer touring with the Dixie Chicks as the band's official blogger. You can see the blog here. In a recent post Semitsu explained some of the unusual experiences he has had as the band's blogger.
It's hard to choose the most unbelievable or bizarre moment for me during the past two months of following the Dixie Chicks.The Dixie Chicks have really turned things around after being dissed by many country music fans for their anti-Bush views. The Dixie Chicks have gotten the last word on their critics with a #1 debut on the Billboard 200 chart for their new album Taking The Long Way. However, they have not relented on their opinion of the Bush administration. Most recently they bashed Bush patriotism.Before I started doing this, I would have thought that the very act of spending time with the most successful female band in history would be the most surreal.
But I had no idea I would soon be asked by Marc Anthony to move out of the way for J. Lo at a party also attended by Diddy, Ann Coulter, Paul Simon, and Bill O'Reilly.
Another surreal moment is when I saw myself for a split second on Howard TV (when the Chicks appeared on the Howard Stern show). Or, perhaps, when friends I haven't spoken to since college contacted me after they swore they saw "someone who looked just like me" on Howard TV.