Create a Goodreads Author Page for Book Promotion

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Goodreads is an online book community. The site was acquired by Amazon in 2013. Goodreads has an author program - the Goodreads Author program - that enables authors to establish an author page on the Goodreads site. Goodreads has a social component that includes status updates and followers.

Goodreads has a guideline for authors here. Here are few things you can do with your author page: Goodreads also has a FAQ about its author program. Here are a few Goodreads author pages to look at as examples when you go about building your author page.
The Ask the Author answers are currently the first information that shows up under your biography so be sure to pick good questions and give thoughtful answers. Goodreads says in its FAQ, "The questions you choose to answer will appear in the newsfeeds of all of your followers and the reader who asked the question will be notified on Goodreads and by email. Some of your most recent answers will live on your profile page, and readers can also view a page of all the questions you’ve answered in the past."

Here are few more resources about Goodreads book promotion: Finally, here's an information video by Alessandra Torre about how to promote your new book release on Goodreads:

Don't forget to also set-up an author page with Amazon Author Central to help promote your books.