Book Publishing News: 29

This is page 29 of the book publishing news archives.

DC Comics Folds Minx Graphic Novels (2008-10-05): DC Comics is folding Minx.

A Positive Spin on Remaindered Books (2008-10-02): The hilarious poem "The Book of my Enemy Has Been Remaindered" from Clive James' collection Opal Sunset: Selected Poems, 1958-2008 has an author relishing the fact that his rival's book has been remaindered.

J.K. Rowling Wins 2008 Edinburgh Award (2008-09-19): J.

Scholastic Pulls Plug on Bratz Dolls Books (2008-09-18): Scholastic has decided to pull the plug on the Bratz dolls books, because of complaints from parents that the dolls are too sexy for young children and promote an inappropriate message.

Stephenie Meyer Stops Work on Fifth Twilight Book to Protest Illegal Leaking of Her Work (2008-09-16): Bestselling author Stephenie Meyer has stopped working on her current book, Midnight Sun, after the unedited manuscript was leaked online.

Serena Williams Inks Deal With Grand Central Publishing (2008-09-16): Number one ranked tennis star Serena Williams has signed a deal with Grand Central Publishing to publish her memoirs in 2009.

A Morals Clause for Children's Authors? (2008-09-13): Now here's something to curl your hair.

Salman Rushdie Snubbed By Man Booker Committee (2008-09-11): Literary circles are abuzz over the Man Booker's vicious snub of Salman Rushdie.

Lauren Conrad Signs Book Deal Wth HarperCollins (2008-09-11): Lauren Conrad, star of the hit reality tv show The Hills, has signed a three book deal with HarperCollins to write a young adult fiction series called L.

Undaunted, Steve Vander Ark to Publish Harry Potter Travel Book (2008-09-10): Only one day after a judge ruled against him in the J.

Tori Spelling Hits #1 on Bestseller List (2008-09-09): Tori Spelling's book, sTORI Telling will hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list on September 14th, according to Entertainment Tonight.

Amazon Buys Shelfari (2008-09-07): PublishersWeekly reports that Amazon.

Oddest Book Title Awarded to Greek Hellenic Philatelic Society (2008-09-06): Congratulations to Greek Hellenic Philatelic Society of Great Britain, which has won the prize for Oddest Book Title.

Emeril Lagasse Signs Ten Book Deal With HarperCollins (2008-09-06): Emeril Lagasse has signed a mind-boggling ten book deal with HarperCollins.

Has Updike's Hatred for the Web Hurt His Writing? (2008-08-22): John Keenan of The Guardian reviews John Updike's latest book, The Widows of Eastwick (a follow up to The Witches of Eastwick) and concludes that Updike's freely admitted aversion to the Internet, blogs and other modern conveniences is destroying his writing ability.

Court Reverses Steinbeck Copyright Ruling (2008-08-18): A federal appeals court has reversed a prior ruling in favor of John Steinbeck's son and granddaughter.

Barnett's Lament: Books Ruined By Hollywood (2008-08-18): David Barnett of The Guardian has a very entertaining essay about how Hollywood has ruined all his favorite books.

Khaled Hosseini King of Book Groups (2008-08-18): Khaled Hosseini is now the king of book groups.

Salman Rushdie Criticizes Random House For Canceling Publication of The Jewel of Medina (2008-08-15): Sir Salman Rushdie has blasted his publisher Random House for canceling publication of The Jewel of Medina, the novel about the prophet Mohammad's child bride Aisha.

The Great Library Fine Debate (2008-08-15): A fierce debate has arisen in Britain over the subject of library fines.