Book Publishing News: 44

This is page 44 of the book publishing news archives.

Fratire: Chick Lit For Men (2006-04-17): The New York Times profiles author Tucker Max, author of I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell.

Freakonomics Author Levitt Sued For Defamation (2006-04-13): Now that the Dan Brown Da Vinci Code trial is over, we were feeling a bit bereft.

The Floating Book Fair (2006-04-13): Well, here's something we've never heard of before: a floating book fair has just docked in the port of Chennai, India.

J.Lo Sues to Stop Tell-All Book By Ex-Husband (2006-04-12): Jennifer Lopez is suing her ex-husband Ojani Noa after he demanded $5 million to stop him from publishing an unflattering tell-all book about their marriage.

New ISBN Numbers Are Coming (2006-04-12): The ISBN number on the back of all books is getting ready for a change: the new ISBN numbers will be 13 digits long, instead of 11 digits long.

Dan Brown is Vindicated, Plaintiffs Face Gargantuan Legal Bill (2006-04-07): The British judge handed down his verdict in the Da Vinci Code copyright case and ruling in favor of Random House and Dan Brown.

Dan Brown Wins Lawsuit (2006-04-07): Dan Brown has been vindicated: he and Random House won the copyright lawsuit filed against them by disgruntled authors Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh over The Da Vinci Code.

J.K. Rowling Takes Anorexic CelebritiesTo Task (2006-04-06): J.

Bai Ling Becomes an Author (2006-04-03): Actress and reality TV star Bai Ling has announced that she is now going to be an author.

James Frey Caused Oprah to Gain Weight (2006-03-31): The National Enquirer reports that the damage that author James Frey wreaked upon Oprah Winfrey apparently lingers on.

Online Library Computer Center Names Top 1000 Books (2006-03-29): The Online Computer Library Center (the "OCLC") member libraries have named the 2005 list of the "Top 1000" titles: the intellectual works that have been judged to be worth owning by the "purchase vote" of libraries around the globe.

How the Da Vinci Code Trial Ruling Will Affect Writers (2006-03-27): Lisa Rogak of The Houston Chronicle explores the implications for writers if the court rules against Random House in the Dan Brown/Da Vinci Code plagiarism trial.

2006 Book Sense Winners Announced (2006-03-17): The 2006 Book Sense Book of the Year winners have been announced.

Dan Brown is Cross-Examined (2006-03-15): The British press is closely following the Dan Brown trial: each day the testimony is analyzed in detail.

Jermaine Jackson and the Bizarre Book Proposal (2006-03-10): Pop star Michael Jackson has even more trouble brewing for him.

Larry McMurtry Thanks Booksellers in Oscar Acceptance Speech (2006-03-06): We agree with Robert Bianco of USA Today that "When the movies are small, Oscar's host has to be huge - and Jon Stewart came through big time.

Nonfiction Authors Feeling the Frey Fallout (2006-03-03): Carol Memmet at USA Today investigates the effect that the James Frey disaster is having on nonfiction writers.

Dan Brown Copyright Infringement Lawsuit Going to Trial (2006-02-27): The Observer (U.

Mary Higgins Clark Sued by Playwright (2006-02-22): Lloyd Grove reports on the latest bestselling author to get hit with a copyright infringement suit, but this one really sounds fishy to us.

Margaret Atwood's Remote-Controlled Autograph Signing Machine Now a Reality (2006-02-21): Booker Award-winning author Margaret Atwood is formally introducing her infamous remote control autograph-signing device.