Book Publishing News: 49
This is page 49 of the book publishing news archives.
Roald Dahl and the Museum (2005-07-27): Perhaps author Roald Dahl (1916-1990) would have been pleased at Tim Burton's adaptation of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
A.E. Hotchner to Publish Hemingway Correspondence (2005-07-25): A.E. Hotchner, the biographer and friend of the late Ernest Hemingway, is publishing a collection of his correspondence with the late great writer.
The Traveler Girls for John Twelve Hawks (2005-07-22): No, you're not seeing quintuplets and you're not at a gaming convention.
Pirates Get Potter (2005-07-21): It only took 12 hours for the digital pirates to scan the text of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and offer the illegal copies for sale online.
The Editor Who Passed on Harry Potter (2005-07-19): So, what's it like to be known as the editor that turned down the first Harry Potter manuscript? John Kenney said no to J.
Madonna Launches English Roses Website (2005-07-19): Madonna has launched englishrosescollection.
The Case of the Missing Harry Potter Novel (2005-07-14): Another copy of the new Harry Potter book escaped confinement, to the horror of Scholastic, J.
Cardiff Teen Wins Harry Potter Contest (2005-07-11): 14 year old Cardiff resident Owen Jones has won the Potter at the Castle - the Quest for the Ultimate Harry Potter Fan Contest.
Lemony Snicket and the Special Book Delivery (2005-07-11): As part of Amazon.
Questia Adds Wiley Content to Questia Library (2005-07-09): Questia Media, Inc.
Tami Booth Corwin Named President of Rodale Books (2005-07-08): Steve Murphy, president and CEO of Rodale, Inc.
Good News For Visually-Impaired Harry Potter Fans (2005-07-04): The BBC reports that, for the first time, visually-impaired readers will be able to read the new Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, on the same day as sighted readers.
John Twelve Hawks: Living Off the Grid (2005-06-28): USA Today delves into the mystery author who calls himself John Twelve Hawks.
Hermes Apologizes to Oprah (2005-06-23): Hermes has apologized to Oprah over the incident involving a Hermes store refusing to allow her entry.
Elizabeth Kostova and The Historian (2005-06-16): Associated Press journalist Sarah Karush provides an interesting interview with Elizabeth Kostova, author of The Historian (Little, Brown).
The Art of the TV Author Appearance (2005-06-14): Author Lee Child did a most entertaining author interview on CBS' The Early Show this morning.
New York Public Library Launches Downloadable Audio Book Program (2005-06-14): The New York Public Library announced that it is making 700 books from its collection available to members in digital audio form.
Woodward and Bernstein: Together Again (2005-06-10): Now that Mark Felt has been revealed as the mysterious Deep Throat, Bob Woodward is moving at light speed to finish his latest book, The Secret Man: The Story of Watergate's Deep Throat.
Jack Kerouac's Medical Records Released (2005-06-10): Jack Kerouac inspired the Beat Generation with his poetry and prose.
The Snowflake Method for Writing a Novel (2005-06-09): Author devises unique method for writing your novel called The Snowflake Method for Writing a Novel