Buckmasters To Launch GunHunter Magazine
Posted on February 22, 2003
A Fall 2003 launch date has been set for the premier issue of GunHunter, the latest publication from Buckmasters, Ltd. Buckmasters is an association of white-tailed deer hunters and the publishers of Buckmasters Whitetail Magazine and Rack Magazine. Buckmasters also produces the Buckmasters TV series and Buckmasters.com. After GunHunter�s premier issue launches this Fall, it will cycle into a full subscription-based magazine offering 6 monthly issues annually beginning in July, 2004.
�Because the vast majority of all big game hunting in North America focuses on the white-tailed deer, a mainstay of editorial content for GunHunter will serve whitetail gun hunters,� said Buckmasters Executive Editor Russell Thornberry. �But additionally, there will be worldwide coverage of hunting guns for all big game species, ranging from American antelope to African elephant. Readers can expect detailed coverage of small game hunting guns, as well as the latest shotgun innovations for upland bird game and waterfowl.�
�We have a history at Buckmasters of listening to our members and they�re telling us that they want to know more about the guns they use for hunting,� said Buckmasters founder and CEO Jackie Bushman. �So, while our newest publication, GunHunter, will include a lot of hunting information about specific hunts, it will expand to offer detailed information about the guns used. GunHunter will also provide information to help readers select their guns for big and small game and will teach the mechanics of hunting guns, ballistics, scopes and a lot more."