Chick Lit Gets Some Respect with Melissa Nathan Award
Posted on June 21, 2008
Chick Lit authors say they don't get any respect. Now a new literary contest aims to change all that. Melissa Nathan Award for comedy romance awards $10,000 to the winner. It is sponsored by the British grocery chain Tesco. This year the winner was Lisa Jewell who famously said: "People say 'chick lit' and what they mean is 'crap.'" Ouch.
Jewell told The Guardian, "You feel undervalued when you write the kind of fiction I write. So it's great to have this genre given its own night of appreciation and recognition. To win is just wonderful."
She also said, "These are books that people don't just read, they devour them - they stay up into the early hours because they want to devour them."
Lisa won Best Novel, but there were other awards. Victoria Clayton won the Best Bastard award for Sebastian in A Girl's Guide to Kissing Frogs; Christina Jones won Best Bitch for Heaven Sent; and Louise Harwood won Best First Kiss award for Hippy Chick. The award is named after Melissa Nathan, an author who died of cancer when she was only 37. The name is an attempt to rebrand chick lit.
We know authors who love the term "chick lit" and have met a couple who don't care for it at all. But generally we've heard positive things from the authors who write in that genre. For one thing, a lot of people read chick lit. By using that term, you increase sales. After all, Bridget Jones' Diary is the uber chick lit novel and who wouldn't want to have written that?