College Parent Magazine Plans October Launch
Posted on August 22, 2003
A bi-monthly national magazine called College Parent Magazine debuts this October. It is designed for the parents of future and new college students. The glossy guide to the transition from high school to higher education is designed to inform, instruct and direct from a parent perspective. The publication will be competing with College Magazine, a recently lauched national magazine aimed at the parents of college-bound teenagers.
"We're building a 'mall' for the reader with informative editorial content and convenience of one-stop shopping. It's a new approach for a needed market niche," said Steve Peri, Executive Editor and co-founder of College Parent Magazine. "There is a definite need for this type of publication, and interest has been brisk. Parents are more involved now than ever before in the decision process, and they are the ones spending the money on all the necessities for school, from laptops to loans. The positive reaction from major players in the advertising community has been extremely encouraging, and we look forward to the rollout in early 2004."
The initial test phase begins with 100,000 copies going to an exclusive list of affluent households with college bound children in the five-state New York Metro region, with a planned 250,000 national controlled circulation for future issues.
Articles in the first issue include:
- New Jersey Colleges: What Makes Them Special?
- How Much Will They Need? Does Saving really matter?
- Computers on Campus: What Colleges Want vs. What Students Need
- College-Speak: A Guide to Current Campus Slang
- Alcohol on Campus: New Efforts to Solve a Growing Problem
- Massachusetts Colleges: Best in the East?
- From Ozzy to Ozzie: How Changing College Parents Are Changes Colleges
- Are SATs on the Way Out? How Colleges Are Learning To Live Without
- Study Abroad: Vital Preparation or a Foreign Vacation?
- The Commuting Student: What is Lost and What is Gained