Consulting Psychologists Press Renamed CPP, Inc.
Posted on August 6, 2002
CPP, Inc., known for more than 45 years as Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc. and the exclusive publisher of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, announced a new brand strategy aimed at better reflecting CPP's status as a leading provider of products and services for professionals focused on meeting individual and organizational development needs. As a result of the new strategy, the Company has officially been renamed CPP, Inc.
Among CPP's best-known brands are the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Strong Interest Inventory, Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument, FIRO-B, and California Psychological Inventory (CPI) instruments. Additionally, Davies-Black Publishing, a division of CPP, is a publisher of titles for business and career management.
"For the past two years, we have pursued a strategy designed to bolster the company's customer focus on every level," said David Krantz, CPP president and CEO. "We are making a concerted effort to develop lifelong `learning relationships' with our customers, whereby each interaction enables us to better understand their individual needs and guides us to the ways in which we must adapt to meet those needs.
"As a result of these interactions, we learned that our customers often used a variety of our products and services, not recognizing the CPP brand. Or they were familiar with the individual product brands they had used, but they were typically unaware of CPP's breadth and depth of products available to meet their specialized needs. Our new strategy raises customer awareness of the wide range of resources we provide to help develop, guide, and ensure the success of people and organizations worldwide."
CPP said its new signature logo symbolizes the importance CPP continues to place on customer relationships. Its symbols represent individuals with varying needs, skills, and backgrounds working with others to achieve a common objective.