Content World 2000 to Examine Digital Asset Management
Posted on April 21, 2000
Content World Ventures (CWV) has announced its conference for digital content professionals, Content World 2000, to take place May 17-19, 2000 in Palo Alto, Calif. Over three days, Content World 2000 will discuss and showcase asset management technology innovations, trends, and case studies.
A core technology driving the burgeoning web market is media asset management (MAM). It's a new industry. And as this new industry emerges and expands, the deployment of digital asset management systems can offer companies cost savings, improved customer satisfaction, faster product cycles and increased productivity.
``With the ever-changing landscape of 'information everywhere' and the growing sophistication of systems and technology, we felt the time was ripe to host an event that will concentrate on the challenges and critical issues in this hot new market,'' commented Content World Ventures CEO, John P. Noon.
Content World 2000 will feature keynote presentations from Graham Allan, manager of systems application with Disney's animation division and Dr. Armando Garcia, vice president of content management at IBM Software Group. Other industry luminaries from companies like CNN, Sony, Internet2, Informix, Arthur Anderson, Excaliber and Virage will offer sessions on content management trends, digital watermarking technologies and techniques, bandwidth forecasts and outsourcing strategies. The exhibition floor will showcase companies who provide asset management systems, specialized software, outsourcing and integration services, stock media and networking/telecommunication products and services.
The Content World Conference and Expo is produced by Content World Ventures (CWV). CWV is a business-to-business knowledge services company focused on providing original magazine, Internet, and conference programming relating to digital content acquisition, management and e-business technology and the Internet.