Daddyblogger Articles for Father's Day
Posted on June 18, 2006
Move over Mommybloggers. Here come the Daddybloggers. A article describes several Dad blogs.
Mommy blogs - Web logs by for and about mothers, usually new mothers - have been popping up all over for years. Now, it's the dads' turn.The above article would have been better if it contained links. However, we were able to find a few of the blogs discussed above including MetroDad, Thingamababy (which currently has a review of the Daddle) and Daddytypes. This wasn't the only Father blogging article.Mom blogs tend to have a strong personal bent, often featuring pastel colors and a focus on developmental mileposts ("My baby is now 14 lbs."). Dad blogs feel more irreverent, more ironic and are frequently use more curse words. They delve into gadgets (the perfectly named product review site Thingamababy), kid-related news stories (Daddytypes) or information for stay-at-home dads (ModernDayDad), a vocal segment of the blogging community.
And as Generation X makes its passage through the age of childrearing, some think dad blogs are evidence of how this demographic is putting its own stamp on parenting styles.
Despite these timely articles that have come out around Father's Day the term Daddyblogger only has 20+ mentions on Technorati. Mommyblogger shows over 280 results. Maybe the Daddybloggers will have caught up by Father's Day 2007.