Easyriders Launches Tailgate Magazine for Truck Enthusiasts
Posted on February 4, 2000
Easyriders Inc., through its subsidiary Paisano Publications Inc., is launching a new magazine into the custom truck market titled Tailgate. Targeted to the 18- to 45-year-old male, Paisano offers its latest lifestyle glossy with a flavor of the very successful Maxim magazine, and hopes to capitalize on the approximately 70% of Maxim readers who currently own trucks. The initial launch planned for May of this year will be in excess of 200,000 copies.
``We feel it's the perfect time to launch Tailgate,'' explained publisher Joe Teresi of Paisano's first custom truck lifestyle title. ``We've been picking winners for 30 years and the proof is in the numbers. Easyriders and its companion titles return over 70% of the total newsstand profit for the motorcycle category and Tattoo and its companion titles return over 80% profit. I feel pretty safe in saying that we've developed a strong understanding of our targeted markets lifestyle.''
Tailgate will provide custom truck features, profiles of people responsible for making the scene what it is today and coverage of custom truck lovers at related events across the country. The magazine will also provide customizing tips for trucks and news about the latest products on the market.
``This isn't just another nuts and bolts truck magazine we're doing,'' added Teresi. ``Tailgate will cater to every aspect of the custom trucking experience using an irreverent writing style, quality photography and a sense of humor that evokes this entire lifestyle.''
Easyriders is a publicly traded company with publishing, retail, restaurant and entertainment interests. Easyriders currently publishes more than a dozen motorcycle, special-interest and lifestyle magazines, with a total worldwide readership of over 6 million. The company also owns, operates and licenses Easyriders retail stores throughout the United State.