Freelance Writing
Part of the lure of freelance writing is that there is no boss looking over your shoulder and you can write from home. This is true but freelancing is not free of deadlines or competition and there is no employer to cover your healthcare. The reality is that freelance writing is a crowded field with limited financial reward. However, there are plenty of people that manage to make a living freelancing. To do this a writer has to target the upper tier of the writing markets where the competition is the most fierce.
There are some authors who freelance to supplement their income while they are working on their next book. Some writers also like the idea and bragging writes of getting an article published in a paying market and there are many magazines and sites that will pay a small fee. Niche freelance writers may find success by becoming experts about covering certain subjects and fields.
Freelance Markets
Find paying markets looking for freelancers in the Writer's Guidelines database.
Writing Contests
Find writing contests that are open to manuscript submissions.
Freelance Writing Articles
Learn from experts in our articles about freelance writing.
Freelance Writing Resources
A growing list of resources to help you learn more about freelance writing and hone your craft.
Freelance Writing Jobs
A collection of freelance writing job resources.
Promoting Yourself as a Writer
Don't forget to tell the world you are a professional writer.
Tracking Your Submissions
Tips and methods for keeping track of your article submissions.