From Refugees to Terrorists
Posted on July 27, 2005
The New York Times describes the path taken by the two British suicide bombers, who came to the country in the 1990's as refugees from East Africa. Muktar Said Ibrahim and Yasin Hassan Omar took British welfare assistance for years then turned agaisnt the country which took them in.
Both men came to Britain as so many immigrants do, fleeing something else. The circumstances of their arrival, as well as the disclosures that both received social security benefits and state housing, incensed critics of a government asylum policy that, many say, has allowed anti-Western extremists to proliferate in Britain.It is absolute madness to have such an asylum policy. And to rely on the word of potential citizens as to whether they have a criminal record is simply absurd. Surely the British public will demand a change."Welcomed here as the dependents of asylum seekers, educated in our schools, taking full advantage of all the benefits this country so generously offers - now they want to destroy us," The Daily Mail, which has long fulminated against what it calls a too-generous asylum system, said in an editorial on Wednesday.
"Could there be a more chilling snapshot of the madness of a system implemented by successive governments that has left this country at the hands of murderous fanatics?" the editorial said.