Furious Fictions Magazine Now Online

Posted on May 28, 1997

Furious Fictions, The Magazine of Short-Short Stories, is now online, editor/publisher Joseph Lerner announced today. The five-year-old print journal, which published six issues and over 100 short stories before going on hiatus last year, is now "alive and kicking again," reports Mr. Lerner.

Furious Fictions Magazine (FF) was founded in 1992 in order to showcase the best new short-short stories. Also known as "flash" and "sudden" fiction, this new literary form continues to grow in popularity with both writers and readers.

"It's because the short-short story is so compressed and lively," explains Mr. Lerner. He adds that the genre is also more innovative than longer short fiction "because it integrates elements from poetry and the prose-poem as well as from fiction."

FF's home page features links to about fifty stories, culled from the magazine's previous six issues. These stories are listed under department headings such as: "Enchanted Pigs, Deranged Marionettes and Other Not-So Celestial Creatures," "Fairy Tales, Tall Tales, Fables and Legends," "Letters Waylaid, Mislaid and Mis-Sent," and "American Dada."

Also featured are two galleries that showcase the work of two extraordinary artists, Diego Marcial Rios and Donna Mae Montgomery.

"Furious Fictions has never shied away from experiment or controversy, " Mr. Lerner says, although the magazine does publishes mainstream fiction as well. "We were very popular as a print publication. I think we'll reach an even larger audience on the Net, which should provide the short-short story genre with a natural home."

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