Write and Writing Synonyms

Here is a list of some of the most interesting synonyms and links to more resources where you can find additional synonyms for writing and write.
Write Synonyms List
- Author
- Compose
- Craft
- Draft
- Indite
- Pen
- Record
- Scribe
- Transcribe
- Merriam-Webster - synonyms include author, scratch (out), pen and scribble
- Thesaurus.com - a couple synonyms of note include "scriven" and "bang out"
- Synonym.com - some interesting synonyms here include "create verbally, dramatise, spell" and "toss off." John sat down at his computer and began to toss off a story.
- Word Reference - includes "reproduce" and "knock off"
On a related note, we also have a page about book synonyms.