The New Yorker Guidelines Information

Established: 1925
Frequency: weekly
Website URL:
Twitter: @NewYorker
Description: The New Yorker is a widely known for its political commentary and coverage of New York culture. The publication's reach extends far outside NYC. The magazine is read around the globe. It is also known its iconic cover art. The weekly magazine is published by Conde Nast.
Needs: The New Yorker is looking for fiction and poetry. They are also seeking short humorous fiction for the daily Shouts & Murmurs section. The magazine also publishes cartoons which can be submitted through Submittable. The guidelines say they do not accept unsolicited nonfiction.
Length: 2,000 to 10,000 words
Payment: The New Yorker is a competitive paying market but does not list exact rates online.
Tips: The New Yorker fiction editor Deborah Treisman told The Stranger that everyone in the fiction department writes an opinion about a story being considered for publication. A published story may not be liked by everyone. Treisman also discusses fiction submissions in an interview on She says there is no "one thing" or "trademark piece" to get published in the magazine. She says a story must "achieve on its own terms." Deborah Treisman also answers a few questions in a FAQ from 2008 posted on Treisman also says stories range from 2,000 to 10,000 words in an Ask the Editor feature.
How to Submit: Fiction and Shouts & Murmurs submissions can be submitted to the appropriate email as a PDF attachment (see the guidelines). Stories can also be submitted by mail. The guidelines say they read all submissions within ninety days and to assume they will not be publishing your manuscript if have not heard back from them within this time frame. Poetry can only be submitted through the New Yorker's Submittable page.
Guidelines Url:
Address: The New Yorker 1 World Trade Center NY NY 10007
This listing was last reviewed and/or updated on 2022-03-18
Image Credit: Conde Nast
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