The Antioch Review Guidelines Information

Accepts Email Submissions: no
Website URL:
Twitter: @AntiochReview
Description: The Antioch Review is one of America's oldest continuously publishing literary magazine. The magazine is published at Antioch College. Author and editor Robert S. Fogarty has been editor of the magazine since 1977. Authors published in the magazine are consistently included in the Best American anthologies and Pushcart prizes.
Editor(s): Robert S. Fogarty
Needs: Fiction, essays and poetry.
Payment: $20.00 per printed page plus two copies of the issue.
Tips: The editors advise reading some issues of the magazine. They write, "Within these pages you will find information that can help you to develop ideas for subjects and an understanding about treatment, lengths of articles, and the stories we have used."
How to Submit: The magazine does not accept electronic submissions. They suggest including a cover letter with your submission. There are periods of the year (generally summer months) when The Antioch Review does not accept different types of submissions so be sure to check the guidelines.
Response Time: up to four to six months
Guidelines Url:
Address: The Antioch Review P.O. Box 148 Yellow Springs OH 45387
This listing was last reviewed and/or updated on 2018-03-25
Image Credit: The Antioch Review
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