Entangled Publishing Guidelines Information

Publisher: Entangled Publishing, LLC

Established: 2011

Website URL: https://entangledpublishing.com/

Twitter: @entangledpub

Description: Entangled Publishing is an independent publisher of romantic fiction with a catalog of over 1,200 titles. Entangled has over a dozen imprints covering historical romance, contemporary romance, paranormal, sweet category romance, Gen-X character romance and more. Entangled's titles are distributed by Macmillan.

Tips: Be sure to also check the Entangled blog for special calls for submissions. Entangled says writers should submit to ONE imprint and they will move a submission themselves if it better fits another imprint.

How to Submit: Entangled has separate submission guidelines for each of its multiple imprints. For example, there is the Bliss imprint for sweet category romance, Lovestruck for contemporary, romantic comedy category romance and Teen Crave for paranormal/sf/fantasy young adult romance. Submissions are made through the Entangled submissions portal.

Response Time: 60 days

Guidelines Url: https://entangledpublishing.com/submission-information/

This listing was last reviewed and/or updated on 2018-04-13

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