International Horror Guild Awards Announced
Posted on June 6, 2003
The 2003 International Horror Guild Awards recognizing outstanding achievements in the field of horror and dark fantasy from the year 2002 were announced May 23, 2003. Charles L. Grant was previously announced at the World Horror Convention in Kansas City on April 19, 2003 as this year's IHG Living Lgend.
The International Horror Guild (IHG) gives these annual awards which recognize outstanding achievements in the field of horror and dark fantasy. The International Horror Guild Award is a statuette of a particular gargoyle referred to as the Florentine Watchdog or the Flying Dog�mounted on a black base that bears a plaque inscribed with appropriate data.
International Horror Guild Award Winners
Novel: A Winter Haunting by Dan Simmons
First Novel: A Scattering of Jades by Alexander Irvine
Long Form: "My Work is Not Yet Done" by Thomas Ligotti (My Work is Not Yet Done)
Intermeidate Form: (Tie) "Death and Suffrage" by Dale Bailey (Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Feb 02) "Pavane for a Prince of the Air" by Elizabeth Hand (Embrace the Mutation)
Short Form: "Prospect Cards" by Don Tornasonis (Dark Terrors 6)
Collection: Figures in Rain by Chet Williamson
Anthology: Dark Terrors 6 ed. by Stephen Jones & David Sutton
Nonfiction: Ramsey Campbell, Probably by Ramsey Campbell
Graphic Narrative: Abarat by Clive Barker
Periodical: The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction
Art: Jason Van Hollande
Film: Frailty
Television: Six Feet Under