Computer Book Reviews

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Visual J++ 1.1 Unleashed by Bryan Morgan, Nov., 1997.
Trade Paperback, 845 pages.
ISBN: 1575213567
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Cover of Visual J++ 1.1 Unleashed
by Bryan Morgan Visual J++ 1.1 Unleashed is an in-depth guide to building web applications using Microsoft's Java development tool: Visual J++. The book is targeted toward the web developer interested in using Java, ActiveX, VBScript and JavaScript. The book explains the Visual J++ development environment and provides instruction on coding in Java, how to use the Visual J++ compiler and debugger and how to manage projects with Visual J++. In addition, the book also has instructional sections on GUI programming, the Component Object Model (COM), building database applications, and security with ActiveX Authenticode. All the source code from the book, example programs, a trial version of Visual J++, HTML editors and other software are on the included CD-ROM.

The second edition of Visual J++ Unleashed provides excellent coverage of Microsoft's Java development tool and how to take advantage of it to create Java applications. Programmers interested in using the graphical development environment provided by Visual J++ will find this book invaluable.

What Makes People Click : Advertising on the Web by Jim Sterne

Que, Sept., 1997.
Trade Paperback, 433 pages.
ISBN: 0789712350
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Cover of What Makes People Click : Advertising on the Web
by Jim Sterne This resource helps to demystify the confusing subject of internet advertising, covering topics such as banner advertising, click-through rates, impressions and more. Written with the ad-buyers in mind, the book provides the information needed for those designing and placing web advertisements. Highlights include a section on improving the click-through rate on banners that shows examples of banners with effective results and highlights of elements that can increase banner clickthroughs, a section on impressions that discusses branding, the value of an impression and third party measurement and a section on where to place banner ads that covers where others are advertising, web ad reps and targeting.

This book is a great resource for those just emerging onto the Internet and are looking to catch up on the Internet advertising world. With detailed information about what has happened so far and how to effectively get started, the book can get your online advertising project pointed in the right direction. The book also lists online resources necessary for the buyer to keep up to date with online advertising research. This is a resource that any company considering advertising online should not be without.

Click Here For Computer/Web Design Book Reviews Page One

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