Computer Book Reviews
Page Two of TwoInside Adobe Photoshop 6 by Gary David Bouton, Gary Kubicek, Barbara Mancuso Bouton and Mara Zebest Nathanson
New Riders, December 2000.Trade Paperback, 964 pages.
ISBN: 0789724251
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Gary David Bouton, an author and graphics expert, has written more than 16 books on computer graphics for New Riders. Inside Photoshop 6 is his 13th book on Photoshop. Gary and his wife, co-author Barbara, hold four international awards in desktop publishing and design. The Boutons' book is very well-organized, and provides detailed instructions for each Photoshop task making it easy for the readers to follow along while trying out the examples themselves. Especially helpful are the many well explained step-by-step procedures, accompanied by screen shots and diagrams, which walk readers through different Photoshop uses. Graphics industry professionals, website owners and people interested in digital photography should not be without this handy reference.
NetResults.2 by Rick E. Bruner, Leland Harden and Bob Heyman
New Riders, November 2000.Trade Paperback, 342 pages.
ISBN: 0735710244
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NetResults.2 is written by Web marketing experts Rick E. Bruner, Leland Harden and Bob Heyman. The authors have each founded a company and have helped execute online campaigns for major companies including AOL, Barnes & Noble, Gillette, Home Depot, IMB and Macy's. The reference provides easy-to-follow advice, backed up by case-studies and information about real campaigns, which helps the reader understand why something works and how it is achieved. The book also provides critical online marketing do's and don'ts, such as good and bad domain names and what are methods of email marketing that can be used and what is not-effective or considered Spam. NetResults.2 provides thorough coverage of web marketing concepts and practices and will be valuable to anyone engaging in online marketing and/or launching a website or online service.
Computer Book Reviews
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