Reviews of Writing Books

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1999 Poet's Market by Chantelle Bentley

Writer's Digest Books, September 1998.
Trade Paperback, 604 pages.
ISBN: 089879854X
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1999 Poet's Market
by Chantelle Bentley The 1999 edition of this excellent resource for poets contains updated market listings, information on submitting your poetry and information on poetry resources, conferences, contests and organizations. The book contains over 1800 markets for poets including journals, magazines, chapbook publishers and book publishers. Each market contains contact information, including email and website addresses, what types of poetry the publisher is looking for, how to submit your poetry, advice from the editors, payment and details on any contests offered by the publisher. Markets can be referenced by genre, region and publication's title through indexes in the book. There is also a valuable index of publications that accept email submissions. In addition, the book includes detailed listings of poetry contests, conferences, workshops and organizations, a collection of other useful resources for poets which includes websites and a glossary of poetic forms and styles. For all poets, from those who submit poems for the hope of seeing themselves in print to serious literary poets who seek monetary rewards for their efforts, the Poet's Market is the ultimate indispensible resource.

1999 Writer's Market by Kirsten C. Holm

Writer's Digest Books, September 1998.
Trade Paperback, 1112 pages.
ISBN: 0898798558
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1999 Writer's Market
by Kirsten C. Holm The latest edition of this popular resource for professional writers contains contact information and writer's guidelines information for paying book, magazine and script publishers, a selection of 50 agents that are open to new writers, articles on submitting your work and getting published and interviews with editors and successful writers. This year a majority of the listings now include email and website addresses (many more of the publishers are now online). Also in this year's addition, reader friendly symbols have been added to notify writers of high-paying markets, markets that accept a large number of unsolicited submissions and markets that do not accept unsolicited manuscripts. The articles and interviews in the book contain invaluable information about submitting manuscripts, writing query letters, going rates for different types of freelance work, writing a book proposal, imprints of commercial publishers and selling photographs along with nonfiction articles. The CD-ROM contains a searchable database of all the guidelines from the book, a writer's encyclopedia defining terms used in the publishing industry and submission tracking software.

Each year the editors of the Writer's Market continue to improve this already indispensable resource. This year is no exception -- the 1999 edition is another must-have book for writers seeking to profit from their writing endeavors. The book can also be purchased without the accompanying CD-ROM; however, any writer who owns a computer should purchase the CD-ROM version for its easy-to-use interface and its invaluable search and submission tracking features.

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