Reviews of Writing Books

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2000-2001 Writer's Guide to Book Editors Publishers and Literary Agents by Jeff Herman

Prima Publishing, September 1999.
Trade Paperback, 962 pages.
ISBN: 0761519610
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2000-2001 Writer's Guide to Book Editors Publishers and Literary Agents
by Jeff Herman This massive reference contains detailed listings for book publishers and literary agents. Each book publisher listing includes contact information, a description listing information about the publisher, recent books published, imprints and a list of editors. The listings include hundreds of U.S. publishers, religious and inspiration publishers, university presses and Canadian publishers. Each literary agent listing contains contact information, types of books represented, commission, rejection rate, tips for writers and a list of recent titles represented by the agent. The Writer's Guide has been thoroughly researched and contains detailed descriptions of each publisher and agent listed in the book. Also included in the book are articles on the fundamentals of book publishing, including query letters, book proposal writing, marketing, perseverance, literary agency fees, collaboration and ghostwriting. The book also provides a glossary and a list of websites and other resources for writers.

Author Jeff Herman, the New York literary agent whose clients include the bestselling authors of the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series, has expanded on his comprehensive reference for authors with this latest edition of the Writer's Guide. Herman is very familiar with the many publishers and agents included in the book and this valuable knowledge is passed on to the reader in the personalized, informative entries. Anyone interested in publishing a book, fiction or nonfiction, needs a copy of this detailed reference. An awesome collection of invaluable information for anyone hoping to land a book contract.

Writing Television Sitcoms by Evan S. Smith

Perigee, September 1999.
Trade Paperback, 281 pages.
ISBN: 0399525335
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Writing Television Sitcoms
by Evan S. Smith This specialty writer's reference focuses on writing television scripts. The book provides instruction about writing scripts, researching the market, agents, the television industry, writing premise-driven comedy, writing outlines, writing dialogues, first drafts, agents, finding work, career development and other related topics. Advice from expert script writers who have worked on hit shows such as Ellen, Frasier, The Cosby Show, Fresh Prince Of Bel Air, Wings, Martin, Bob Newhart and Late Night with David Letterman is also provided. Also included are examples, exercises and excerpts from sample scripts, including a complete story outline from an episode of Home Improvement.

Evan S. Smith, a career television writer, provides everything a beginning television writer needs to know about the TV industry and writing scripts for sitcoms in this introductory-level book. This book guides readers step by step through the creation of a script from idea to final draft, the fundamentals of script writing, getting the script published and finally onto career development strategies -- including a section about landing a staff job. Recommended for aspiring sitcom writers eager to break into television writing.

Your Novel Proposal by Blythe Camenson and Marshall J. Cook

Writer's Digest Books, August 1999.
Hardcover, 246 pages.
ISBN: 0898798752
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Your Novel Proposal
by Blythe Camenson and Marshall J. Cook Your Novel Proposal provides instruction and samples for writing effective query letters, cover letters and book synopses. It also provides information about how to decide where to submit your work and how to get the attention of editors and agents. As authors Blythe Camenson and Marshall J. Cook explain, marketing your finished novel is as complex and creative a task as writing the novel itself. "Getting your novel published will take the same sort of creative problem solving, the same determination and persistence, the same refusal to quit that you brought into writing the book." The instruction in the book guides the reader through the process of finding where to submit completed work and then how to create the cover letters, pitches and synopsis needed to sell their work. Each section includes detailed explanations, examples and tips. For example, the query letter writing section includes query letter writing basics, when to send a query letter, query letter hooks, query letter approaches, query letter samples, query letter tips and a checklist. The book also provides many samples of proposals, pitches and book synopsis for study, including a successful 27 page book synopsis. A section of resources for writers, including websites, is also provided.

Your Novel Proposal is an excellent book for writers working on the final stage, which is often the most difficult part of the publishing process. Writers with a completed manuscript will find this book invaluable in helping them along with the most exciting part of the process -- getting it published.

Writing Book Reviews
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