Stolen by Penelope Neri Review
Leisure Books, Jan., 1998.Paperback, 390 pages.
ISBN: 0843943718.
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Quebec was not where Rose Trelawny thought she would be living, especially with a man she didn't know. Mistakenly kidnapped in London by Drummnd McLeon, suddenly she was being dragged away to a ship setting sail for the New World. Rose didn't go without a fight -- and the last word. After being forced onto the ship, Rose pleads with the Captain to understand her situation. Drummond, naturally, presents a different tale entirely to the Captain and insists that they be married immediately. The Captain complies and Rose is now a married woman. The ship's small quarters forces them to be together, igniting a deep passion for each other.
When Rose finally is able to convince Drummond that he had kidnapped the wrong person, Drummond offeres her a safe passage back to England or any other land. She decides to stay to make a life together with her new husband; however, living in the wilderness can be very dangerous and provides many more challenges for Rose and Drummond.
A book about mistaken identities and what can happen as a result of being at the wrong place at the wrong time, Penelope Neri's latest novel is well-written and full of intrigue, with colorful characters. The ending is simply enchanting and will appeal to lovers of romance.
--Barbara Paschall Averitt
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