The Movie Guide by the Editors of Cinebooks Review

The Movie Guide
by the Editors of Cinebooks
Perigee, Feb., 1998.
Hardcover, 857 pages.
ISBN: 0399523936.
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The Movie Guide by the Editors of Cinebooks

The Movie Guide provides almost 3000 detailed reviews of movies selected for excellence and/or notoriety. Each review also contains the names of the major actors and the characters they played, creative credits (director, writer, art director, music director, etc.), production information (year, length, genre, rating, color or black and white, etc.), and any academy wards or nominations the film received. Also included are ratings of one to five stars translated to without merit(1) to masterpiece (5). Listings are alphabetical by film title.

The reviews are culled from CineBooks massive 40,000 review 25 volume resource The Motion Picture Guide and are "works [they] consider the outstanding achievements of world cinema, but also those films that represent key examples of a genre or have some special social cultural, or historical significance."

The Movie Guide provides an excellent collection of reviews, as well as a useful alternative title index and director index. A good reference book for movie lovers.

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