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Write More, Sell More
by Robert Bly
Writer's Digest Books, July 1998.
Trade Paperback, 245 pages.
ISBN: 0898798167
Ordering information:
![Write More, Sell More
by Robert Bly](sellmore.gif)
This instruction book by successful freelancer
Robert Bly teaches you how to optimize your
time and re-focus your freelance efforts to
earn you more money. The book covers
work habits that increase speed, quick assignments
that are profitable, tips to write better and faster,
habits of prolific writers, techniques to increasing
sales, technology, outsourcing, queries, proposals,
referrals, reprints, finding better-paying markets
and secrets of highly successful writers. Examples,
bulleted outlines and sample query letters enhance
the valuable ideas presented in the text. The appendix
in the book includes a section of sample documents
(author bio, query letter, book proposal, contract, invoice) and
a resource section.
Write More, Sell More is a practical guide that will
help the struggling writer increase profits and productivity.
Recommended for profit-seeking
freelancers who need help
focusing on the bottom line: making money.
Blood on the Forehead: What I Know About Writing
by M.E. Kerr
HarperTrophy, May 1998.
Trade Paperback, 262 pages.
ISBN: 0064462072
Ordering information:
![What I Know About Writing
by M.E. Kerr](bloodon.gif)
M.E. Kerr, author of over nineteen
books for young adults, informs
and inspires writers of young adult
fiction in this collection of several
of her short stories, novel excerpts and
Ms. Kerr's
ideas and inspiration for the stories.
Ms. Kerr gives practical advice to
developing writers, using her stories
and novel excerpt as examples. She
explains that there are certain
courtesies the writer should extend
to the reader such as, "[d]on't
cheat the reader, take the time to
give your characters interesting
names, an idea is not a story and
don't expect the reader to stick with
if you if you veer away from the story."
Mr. Kerr explains these concepts and
introduces many others in this
"learn by example" writer's aide.
A good motivational and
learning tool for the young
children's writer
seeking to improve his or her craft.
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August 1998 issue of The IWJ.
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