You Can Write a Romance by Rita Clay Estrada and Rita Gallagher
You Can Write a Romanceby Rita Clay Estrada and Rita Gallagher
Writer's Digest Books, August 1999.
Trade Paperback, 120 pages.
ISBN: 0898798620
Ordering information:

Beginning romance writers will find answers and direction in this compact guide to romance writing. Authors Rita Clay Estrada and Rita Gallagher provide tips, instruction and the inside scoop on the romance publishing industry. Some of the romance writing concepts covered include types of romance novels, agents, the publishing business, formatting manuscripts, action, conflict, plots, characters, subplots, motivation, heroes and heroines, dialogue, revisions and resources for romance writers. Rita Estrada and Rita Gallagher are more than qualified to provide advice to romance writers.
Rita Gallagher and her daughter,
Rita Clay Estrada, cofounded Romance Writers
of America in 1980. Rita Clay Estrada has published
over 30 romance novels and the Rita
Award (an RWA book award) is
named in her honor.
In addition to expert advice, the two authors also
include examples,
tips from other well-known romance
novelists and checklists to help writers
reach their goals.
An excellent introduction to
romance novel writing for
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