Life & Style Names Samantha Youngman Meiler Editor
Posted on February 4, 2005
Life & Style Weekly, which offers fashion, beauty and lifestyle news, has announced the appointment of Samantha Youngman Meiler to editor. Meiler will report directly to editor in chief, Sheryl Berk. Launched in November 2004, Prior to Life & Style Weekly, Meiler served as Executive Editor in the Bauer Publishing development group. Previously, she served as senior features editor at Star, where she top-edited all fashion, beauty, lifestyle and photo news content. Prior to that, Meiler was a senior writer at Us Weekly and Glamour. Meiler started her career in the fashion department at YM magazine performing such ultra-glamorous tasks as packing trunks for photo shoots and fetching coffee for the Fashion Director. Meiler graduated from Cornell University in 1997, majoring in Textiles and Apparel Management.