Live Earth Sets Streaming Record
Posted on July 9, 2007
NewsFactor reports that the Live Earth concert set a record for simulateneous viewers with 10 million streams.
This past weekend's worldwide Live Earth concert might eventually impact the rising water level caused by melting glaciers, but it has already been a "watershed" for simultaneous video streams.The concert can still be watched online at There are also many clips on YouTube. A Live Earth search on YouTube generates 29,800 results.By Saturday afternoon, MSN said it had set a new record for the "most simultaneous viewers of any online concert ever," with 10 million streams.
The event represents a "milestone in live Internet broadcasting," said Joanne Bradford, MSN chief media officer. She predicted "an even greater number of streams" as viewers return to watch on-demand footage of the performances of about 100 artists, which will be available at for the next several weeks.
It helped drive viewers and blog posts that the global concert had famous artists playing in all seven continents. Even Antarctica was accounted for thanks to Nunatak, British Antarctic Survey's band that played live from Antarctica. As you might expect there have also been a huge number of blog posts about Live Earth. Technorati's index includes over 660,000 Live Earth posts. Some highlights from Live Earth included Al Gore's hologram, Rio de Janeiro's massive crowds, Spinal Tap, Madonna's original Live Earth song "Hey You" and Yusuf singing Peace Train. Idolator and Arjan Writes approved of Kelly Clarkson's performance. Stereogum provides some more highlights in this roundup post.