Media News Page: 14

This is page 14 of the media news archives.

Barack Obama is Stressed Out on Mad Magazine's Cover (2009-01-27): President Barack Obama has been on the cover of thousands of newspapers and magazines lately but Mad Magazine's new cover is probably the least flattering.

Disney Shutters Wonder Time Despite Rising Rate Base (2009-01-23): In a surprising move, Disney is shuttering its Wondertime magazine and folding the wondertime.

Caroline Kennedy Withdraws From Senate Competition (2009-01-21): In a surprise move, Caroline Kennedy has withdrawn her name from consideration to fill Hillary Clinton's senate seat.

Joe the Plumber to Become War Correspondent (2009-01-08): This is odd.

Bill Richardson Withdraws as Commerce Secretary Designate (2009-01-05): Well, that has to be some kind of a record for the speed of resignation over a scandal: New Mexico governor Bill Richardson has resigned the post of Commerce Secretary.

Blagojevich vs. Reid, Round 2 (2008-12-30): Illinois governor Blagojevich has named former Attorney General Roland Burris to fill Barack Obama's Senate seat, over the objections of all 50 Democratic senators.

Researchers Unlock Secrets of 1918 Flu Pandemic (2008-12-29): What a year this has been.

Washington Post, Baltimore Sun to Share Content (2008-12-27): Mediaweek reports that the Washington Post and the Tribune Co.

Top Investment Advisor Arrested in $50 Billion Fraud Scheme (2008-12-11): As the recession deepens, investors are pulling out of all but the safest investments.

Obama Calls For Blagojevich Resignation (2008-12-10): Barack Obama has called for the resignation of Illinois Governor Rod R.

The Congresswoman Who Hung Up on the President Elect (2008-12-03): Politicians are paranoid about phone calls after Governor Sarah Palin was prank called by a radio station disc jockey who claimed to be the president of France, Nicolas Sarkozy.

Michael Wolff Says Murdoch Sees Media World as Newspaper War (2008-12-01): Jon Friedman from Marketwatch talks with Michael Wolff about the movement of news to the Internet and about media mogul Ropert Murdoch.

Turkeygate: Sarah Palin Gives Interview In Front of Turkey Slaughterhouse (2008-11-21): Alaska Governor Sarah Palin gave an interview ysterday shortly after pardoning a turkey at a Wasilla turkey farm.

Gallup: Most Americans Back Hillary for Secretary of State (2008-11-20): This will be devastating news to Chris Matthews: a new Gallup poll shows that most Americans are in favor of Hillary Clinton becoming Barack Obama's Secretary of State.

Will Hillary Clinton be Obama's Secretary of State? (2008-11-14): The big rumor going around political circles today is that Barack Obama has offered the Secretary of State position to Hillary Clinton.

Christian Science Monitor to Cease Daily Print Edition (2008-11-08): The Christian Science Monitor will be ending its 100-year-old daily print newspaper in April, 2009.

McCain Aides: Sarah Palin Did Not Know Africa Was a Continent, Not a Country (2008-11-05): The election is over and the blaming has started in full force in the McCain camp.

Obama Heading For Victory (2008-11-04): Voting turnout today was very high across the nation.

Obama's Grandmother Madelyn Dunham Dies (2008-11-03): On the eve of the presidential election Barack Obama learned that his beloved grandmother Madelyn Dunham had died.

Saturday Night Live Takes Aim at Keith Olbermann (2008-11-02): Saturday Night Live took aim at MSNBC's Keith Olbermann last night with a skit in which Ben Affleck did his best Olbermann imitation.