Media News Page: 18

This is page 18 of the media news archives.

Hillary: It's Not Over Till All the Votes Are Cast (2008-06-02): On her campaign plane, Hillary Clinton told reporters that "it's not over until all the votes have been cast" and that her "political obituary is yet to be written.

Hillary Crushes Obama in Puerto Rico (2008-06-01): Hillary Clinton crushed Barack Obama in the Puerto Rico Democratic primary today, 68% - 32%.

Hillary Clinton Wins West Virginia (2008-05-13): Hillary Clinton has won West Virginia in a landslide.

Dems Want Hillary to Stay in Race (2008-05-12): It appears that a large majority of Democrats couldn't care less what Donna Brazile, Chris Matthews or Keith Olbermann thinks.

Breaking News: Obama Wears Jeans (2008-05-09): Chris Matthews gets a thrill running up his leg when Barack Obama speaks.

Obama Throws Wright Under the Campaign Bus (2008-04-29): After a mild rejection of Reverend Wrights' comments yesterday at an impromptu press conference, Barack Obama has now held a full formal press conference today to try to do damage control over his former pastor's recent speeches.

Obama's Headache Over Pastor Jeremiah Wright (2008-04-28): After his big speech on race -- in which he said he could no more disown his pastor than he could disown the black community or his white grandmother -- Barack Obama may be regretting his words.

Hillary Clinton Wins Big in Pennsylvania (2008-04-22): Hillary Clinton did it: she won and won big in Pennsylvania.

Bush Hits 28% Approval Rating (2008-04-22): President Bush has reached a new milestone.

Tribune Media Services Launches Magazine For Amazon's Kindle (2008-04-10): Tribune Media Services (TMS) has announced the launch of a new political commentary magazine called Opinionated: Voices and Viewpoints on America and the World.

Sir Elton John Raises $2.5 Million for Hillary (2008-04-10): The BBC reports on the Hillary Clinton fundraiser in New York in which ticket holders got a special concert from Sir Elton John.

What Would Edward R. Murrow Say? (2008-04-08): Here's a great video about the unbelievable and very sexist media bias against Hillary Clinton.

Majority of Americans Unhappy With Direction of Country (2008-04-04): This is some bad news for any politician in office now: 81% of Americans think the country is on the wrong track.

Lou Dobbs Talks Media Bias Against Hillary Clinton (2008-04-02): Lou Dobbs addresses the extreme negative bias against Hillary Clinton that the mainstream media has shown and the absurdity of the calls for her to drop out of the race before all the Democratic voters have had their say.

Women Angry at Calls for Clinton to Drop Out (2008-03-31): Women supporters of Hillary Clinton are quite angry at the ludicrous, partisan calls from some Obama supporters for Hillary to drop out of the race.

John McCain Releases First General Election Ad (2008-03-28): John McCain has released his first general election ad.

Big Donors to Pelosi: Stay Out of Primary Battle (2008-03-26): Top Democratic donors who support Hillary Clinton have written a letter to Nancy Pelosi taking her to task for her recent, ill-advised comments about superdelegates not "overturning the will of the voters.

Hillary Comments on Rev. Wright (2008-03-25): In an interview today, Hillary Clinton was asked by the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review editorial board what she would do if her pastor made the kind of remarks that Obama's former pastor Wright had made.

The White House Easter Egg Roll (2008-03-24): President Bush made a new friend over Easter Weekend as the White House hosted official White House Easter Egg Roll on the South Lawn.

Chris Matthews Dances With Ellen (2008-03-20): Here's a video clip demonstrating the dancing skills of various MSNBC hosts.