Media News Page: 20
Mitt Romney Endorses John McCain (2008-02-14): The Associated Press reports (see video below) that Mitt Romney is endorsing John McCain for the Republican presidential nomination.
Obama and McCain Win Virginia (2008-02-12): John McCain barely fought off Mike Huckabee to win Virgina in a surprisingly close race.
Obama and Huckabee Have Great Weekend (2008-02-11): Barack Obama had a good weekend.
MSNBC Anchor's Vile Comments About Chelsea Clinton (2008-02-09): MSNBC anchor David Shuster made an amazingly offensive comment the other day.
McCain, Clinton Win Super Tuesday (2008-02-06): On the Republican side, John McCain trounced his opponents on Super Tuesday, emerging as the clear frontrunner after winning nine states, including New York, Arizona, Connecticut, California and Missouri.
Jack Nicholson Robocalls for Hillary (2008-02-05): Jack Nicholson is making robocalls for Hillary Clinton today.
Polls Puzzle as Super Tuesday Looms (2008-02-04): Super Tuesday is tomorrow and the polls are looking pretty strange, especially on the Democratic side.
New West Publishing Launches Quarterly Print Magazine (2008-02-02): New West Publishing LLC is launching a quarterly print publication called The New West.
Microsoft Makes $44.6B Bid for Yahoo (2008-02-01): The big tech news of the day is Microsoft's $44.
McCain Stumbles at Republican Debate (2008-01-31): The Republicans held their last debate before Super Tuesday last night at the Reagan Library in California.
McCain and Hillary Win Florida Primaries (2008-01-29): John McCain won the Republican primary in Florida, thereby picking up all 57 of the delegates (for the Republicans it's a winner take all state).
FCC Fines ABC Over NYPD Blue Nude Scene (2008-01-28): Reuters reports that the FCC has fined ABC for an NYPD Blue scene that repeatedly showed a woman's nude buttocks.
The Fierce Urgency of NOW New York (2008-01-28): In response to the spectacle of Ted Kennedy's lovefest for Barack Obama today in Washington, D.
McCain Says There Will Be More Wars (2008-01-28): John McCain made a statement in a stump speech that stumped most of the audience: he warned them that "there will be other wars.
Obama Wins South Carolina (2008-01-26): As expected, Barack Obama has won the South Carolina Democratic primary by a large margin.
Tim Russert Looks at Florida and South Carolina Polls (2008-01-24): Tim Russert looks at some of the latest poll numbers for the upcoming GOP race in Florida on the 29th and the Democratic race this weekend in South Carolina on the 26th.
Fed Cuts Interest Rate (2008-01-22): The Fed made a three-quarter percentage-point cut in the target for the federal-funds rate, in response to the stock market's early tumble.
Romney, Clinton Win Nevada Caucuses (2008-01-19): Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney won the Nevada caucuses today.
Associated Press Reporter Argues With Mitt Romney (2008-01-17): Mitt Romney was giving a press conference inside a Staples store in South Carolina when an exchange between him and AP reporter Glen Johnson became heated.
Oprah and Discovery to Launch OWN (2008-01-16): Oprah Winfrey is getting her own television network in a partnership with Discovery Communications.