Media News Page: 22
Slow Sales For Gawker Book (2007-11-01): Mixed Media, a blog from Portfolio (now Upstart), reports that according to Nielsen BookScan data Gawker's book The Gawker Guide to Conquering All Media has only sold 242 copies since it went on sale earlier this month.
Cheney Hunting Trip Infuriates Al Sharpton (2007-10-30): Another news cycle, another Dick Cheney hunting controversy.
White House Apologizes for Faked News Conference (2007-10-26): In its never-ending quest for perfection in all that it does, FEMA has reached a new high.
The War on Science Continues (2007-10-25): Center for Disease Control officials have stated that the White House muzzled their representative when she testified to Congress about the effects that Global Warming will have on the health of Americans.
FBI Investigates Arson in Connection With California Wildfires (2007-10-24): The FBI believes that some of the fires in Southern California were caused by arson.
Yeltsin Family Horrified by Proposed Monument (2007-10-17): The family of Boris Yeltsin is appalled at the black, amorphous sculpture that an artist wishes to dedicate to memory of the deceased Russian leader, who is credited for helping end Communist rule.
General Sanchez Says Iraq War is Nightmare With No End In Sight (2007-10-13): Lt.
Imaginova Network Acquires Newsarama (2007-10-10): The Imaginova Network, the publishers of LiveScience.
Dan Bartlett Handicaps the GOP Race (2007-10-09): Dan Bartlett, who has worked nearly his entire adult life for George Bush, finally resigned from his post as White House Counselor.
Monet Painting Severely Damaged (2007-10-08): A Monet painting wasseverely damaged at the Orsay Museum in Paris on Sunday.
Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia to Launch Marthapedia (2007-10-07): Ad Age recently reported that the new social network and user-generated content website from Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia will be called Marthapedia.
Senator Craig Refuses to Resign (2007-10-04): Idaho Senator Larry "Wide Stance" Craig continues to infuriate the GOP leadership: he's announced that he's sticking out the rest of his Senate term and will not resign, even though he lost a court battle to rescind his guilty plea for lewd conduct in a men's airport restroom.
Arctic Sea Melt is Increasing (2007-10-03): A new report from the U.
Religious Right Threaten to Support Third Party Candidate (2007-10-01): The leaders of the religious right are so unhappy with the GOP candidates for president, that they are making plans to support a third party candidate if someone like Rudy Guiliani gets the nomination.
Donald Trump Teams With Ocean Drive For New Trump Magazine (2007-09-30): Donald Trump is launching a new Trump magazine. This is his third time launching a magazine with Trump in the title.
Bloggers Defy Myanmar Junta to Expose Human Rights Abuses (2007-09-29): In Burma/Myanmar, the ruling junta is furious at the world attention its violent repression of peaceful democratic protesters in drawing.
Ahmadinejad Speaks At Columbia (2007-09-24): Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke at Columbia University today, but he didn't get a very friendly reception.
Do Not Call Registry Listing Expires After Five Years (2007-09-20): The most popular thing that President Bush has done in his term as president was signing into law the legislation that created the Federal Do Not Call Registry which puts your phone number on a huge "do not call" list that telemarketers must abide by.
Wall Street Journal and New York Post Newspapers Launching Magazines (2007-09-19): Rupert Murdoch wants to add a couple magazines to his sprawling media empire.
Alan Greenspan Rocks the Boat (2007-09-19): Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan lets down his hair in his new memoir, The Age of Turbulence: Adventures in a New World.