Media News Page: 25
Bush Appoints War Czar (2007-05-15): President Bush has appointed Lt.
Bush Poll Numbers Hit a New Low (2007-05-05): As George Bush brushes up on his royal etiquette in preparation for Queen Elizabeth's visit and the most formal state dinner held during his administration, he can take consolation from the fact that the Queen is too refined to mention his horrifying low approval numbers.
Iran Bans Western Hairstyles and the Tweezing of Eyebrows (2007-04-30): Iran has now decided to crack down on men's hairstyling and eyebrow grooming.
Media Companies Using Games to Boost Traffic (2007-04-23): The Wall Street Journal reports that media companies are using online games to draw visitors to their websites.
More Food Recalls as Congress Finally Pays Attention (2007-04-23): Apparently, the FDA has long known about the contamination problems at a Georgia plant which turned out contaminated peanut butter.
Portfolio Magazine Debuts (2007-04-20): These may be grim times for print magazines but that isn't stopping Conde Nast from launching its new business magazine called Portfolio.
Supreme Court Chips Away at Women's Right to Choose (2007-04-19): In a 5-4 decision, The Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of the 2003 Partial Birth Abortion Act, beginning the eventual complete gutting of Roe vs.
Associated Press Launches Asap Website (2007-04-16): The Associated Press has launched a new service called Asap that includes video content and blogs.
Paul Wolfowitz and Girlfriend Infuriate World Bank Officers (2007-04-16): Paul Wolfowitz is in big trouble at the World Bank for hiring his girlfriend, then giving her a big raise.
Senator Leahy Says Missing RNC Emails Like Watergate Tapes 18 Minute Gap (2007-04-12): Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) of the Senate Judiciary Committee today compared the RNC's missing emails to the missing eighteen minutes on the Watergate tapes of conversations made in President Nixon's office.
Bush Nearly Blows Up Self, Reporters (2007-04-09): Ford CEO Alan Mulally really earned his pay: he stopped President Bush from accidentally blowing up himself and a bunch of reporters when he nearly plugged the wrong cord into a hydrogen car.
Michael Eisner Company to Acquire Topps? (2007-04-05): BusinessWeek reports that former Disney CEO Michael Eisner's investment firm, The Tornante Company, and Madison Dearborn Partners plan to acquire Topps, the makers of baseball cards and Bazooka bubble gum.
Supreme Court Rules EPA Can Regulate Auto Emissions (2007-04-02): The Supreme Court dealt a blow to the Bush White House today by ruling that the EPA does have the authority to regulate auto emissions.
Karl Rove Dances For the Pleasure of the President (2007-03-29): Karl Rove embraced his inner gangsta and rapped the night away at the Radio and Television Correspondents' Association dinner.
Saudi King Calls U.S. Occupation of Iraq Illegal (2007-03-28): More bad news for the Bush Administration: Saudi King Abdullah has publicly stated at a major Mideast conference that the U.
Senate Votes to Withdraw From Iraq (2007-03-27): In a stinging blow to President Bush, the Senate voted 50-48 to withdraw from Iraq, pointedly ignoring the president's threats to veto the bill.
Novak: Bush Out of Touch With His Own Party (2007-03-26): Bob Novak writes in The Washington Post that in fifty years, he has never seen a president so out of touch with his own party.
Senate Passes Bill Revoking Gonzales' Authority to Hire New Prosecutors (2007-03-20): Today the Senate overwhelmingly passed a bill that repealed the portions of the Patriot Act which gave the Attorney General the power to appoint new attorneys general without a confirmation hearing.
U.S. Attorney Firing Scandal Widens (2007-03-19): The U.
Plamegate Takes a Shocking Turn (2007-03-16): Plamegate took a shocking turn today on Capitol Hill during Senate Judiciary Hearings which are investigating who illegally leaked CIA operative Valerie Plame's name to the press, thereby destroying her cover and her career.