Media News Page: 26

This is page 26 of the media news archives.

Rove Implicated in U.S. Attorney Scandal (2007-03-15): ABC reports that Karl Rove now appers to be front and center in the fired U.

Bush Asks Dole and Shalala To Clean Up Walter Reed Mess (2007-03-07): President Bush has enlisted former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole and former Clinton Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala to help him clean up the Walter Reed disaster.

USA Today Goes Interactive (2007-03-06): USA Today has launched a redesign of its website that includes new social networking community features.

Where's Wally Search Engine Coming (2007-03-02): Where's Wally was a popular children's character featured in books that were published in over fifty languages.

Postage Rate Hike Expected (2007-02-27): The U.

Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth Takes Home Best Documentary Oscar (2007-02-26): An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore's documentary about global warming, won the Oscar for Best Documentary last night.

Satellite Radio Giants to Merge (2007-02-19): The Chicago Tribune is reporting on the merger between the two satellite radio giants: XM Satellite Radio and Sirius Satellite Radio.

World's Oldest Newspaper Dumps Print Version (2007-02-14): The Associated Press reports that Sweden's Post-och Inrikes Tidningar -- the world's oldest newspaper -- has now dumped its print edition and gone digital only.

Bush Opens Borders to Iraqi Refugees (2007-02-14): Apparently it wasn't enough to open our southern borders with Mexico, we're now opening our borders to 7,000 more Iraqis who are displaced because of the ill-conceived, poorly-executed Iraq War.

Will New York Times Still Have a Print Edition Five Years From Now? (2007-02-07): Will the New York Times still have a print edition five years from today? It is an interesting question given the rapid rise of the Internet and digital technology.

MTV Wants to Rate Professors (2007-02-01): MTV is acquiring the RateMyProfessors website.

Bush Nearly Wipes Out Press Corps In Caterpillar Mishap (2007-02-01): President Bush got a little carried away this week when presented with a Catapillar D-10.

Bush Poll Numbers At All-Time Low (2007-01-27): After his lackluster performance during the State of the Union address, President Bush is now hit an all-time low in the polls.

Journalist Daryn Kagan Now Covering Upbeat News Stories (2007-01-27): Daryn Kagan, a former CNN news anchor, now has her own website at darynkagan.

Study Finds 1 in 3 Moms Have Recently Read a Blog (2007-01-22): The Parenting Group's 24/7 MomConnection study found that moms are using new media including blogs and video.

Hillary Enters the Race (2007-01-20): Hillary Clinton has officially entered the 2008 presidential race, declaring in a statement that "I'm in.

Bush Calls Iraq a Cracked Egg (2007-01-16): In a somewhat bizarre interview with Jim Lehrer, President Bush said if he were being polled, he wouldn't approve of what's happening in Iraq now.

Steve Case to Launch Health Destination (2007-01-11): TechWeb reports that AOL founder Steve Case plans to launch an online health destination called Revolution Health.

Yahoo Announces Partnership With 150+ Newspapers (2007-01-04): Yahoo has announced a partnership with over 150 U.

Iraq's Interior Ministry Confirms Existence of AP Source Jamil Hussein (2007-01-04): An Iraqi police officer named Jamil Gholaiem Hussein is going to be arrested for talking to the press.