Media News Page: 27
University Files Patent Infringement Suit Over Bluetooth Technology (2007-01-03): The University of Washington has filed suit against three major electronics makers alleging that the companies are illegaly placing unlicensed Bluetooth chip sets in products ranging from cell phones, computers and headsets.
Sleek New Disney Website Planned (2007-01-02): The New York Times is reporting that Disney CEO Robert A.
U.S. Commanders Skeptical About Bush Surge Plan (2006-12-20): President Bush has said he want to send more troops to Iraq in a "surge" movement.
Marmalade Instead of MySpace the Magazine (2006-12-19): There will be no MySpace the Magazine as was previously reported.
Bush Says James Baker Can Go Back to His Day Job (2006-12-07): James Baker has presented the Iraq Study Group's report to the White House and to the public.
CNBC Ends MSNBC Content Deal, Relaunches Website (2006-12-04): CNBC has ended its content deal with MSNBC.
Bill Frist's Political Career is Over (2006-11-29): Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R - Tennessee) has confirmed that he will not be making a run for the White House in 2008.
Dollar Falls to 15 Year Low (2006-11-28): The U.
Highlights for Children Launches High Five Magazine (2006-11-27): Highlights for Children, Inc.
Study Finds Online Video Hurts TV Viewing Time (2006-11-27): The BBC is reporting that a new ICM survey is confirming what many have suspected -- that online video watching will take time away from regular television watching.
Ripplewood Holdings Acquiring Reader's Digest (2006-11-17): Reuters reports that Ripplewood Holdings is acquiring the Reader's Digest Association.
The Return of Trent Lott (2006-11-15): He's back and he has to be feeling vindicated.
Daddy to the Rescue (2006-11-13): The lead article in Newsweek examines the return of Bush 41, as Daddy steps in to fix his son's foreign policy fiasco.
New Hobby Rocketry and Space Travel Magazine Debuts (2006-11-10): Launch Magazine is a new bimonthly glossy magazine focused on hobby rocketry, space travel and space exploration.
Democrats Are In: Rumsfeld and Mehlman Are Out (2006-11-09): Now that the Virginia Senate race has finally been called for Democrat Jim Webb, the Democrats officially control both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
SLC Publications Launching NASCAR Lifestyle Magazine (2006-11-07): SLC Publications is launching Speedway Club Luxury Living, a glossy, 84-page luxury lifestyle publication for women with a focus on NASCAR.
The Voting Machine Blues (2006-11-07): As Americans head to the polls today, many people will be focusing on the inevitable voting booth problems.
American Conservative, Army Times Turn on Bush (2006-11-06): Two new devastating editorials have hit President Bush and the GOP hard, just before the mid-term elections.
Top Circulation Newspapers (2006-11-03): The New York Post is proud of its circulation numbers and they should be as they are now the 5th highest circulation newspaper in the country -- ahead of the New York Daily News and the Washington Post.
Top Neocons Turn On Bush (2006-11-03): Vanity Fair has a blockbuster of an article entitled: "Neo Culpa" in which the chief neoconservatives -- Richard Perle, Kenneth Adelman, and David Frum -- turn on President Bush and flatly call him and his administration "incompetent.