Media News Page: 28
YouTube Removing Variety of Copyrighted Videos (2006-10-30): The fall out from Google's recent acquisition of YouTube seems to be that content owners are requesting their copyrighted content to be removed.
Slow Economic Growth in 3rd Quarter (2006-10-27): The U.
Maxim the Steakhouse? (2006-10-26): USA Today reports that Dennis Publishing plans to use to use the Maxim magazine brand for a new steakhouse chain called Maxim Prime.
Censoring Differing Opinions (2006-10-26): Wonkette reports that it is being blocked from being read by Marines on active duty in Iraq.
A New Low For Limbaugh (2006-10-25): Rush Limbaugh has reached a new low with his latest bit of appalling behavior.
James Baker on Iraq: (2006-10-20): Former Secretary of State James Baker weighs in on the situation in Iraq declaring it to be a "helluva mess.
MTV Buys Quizilla (2006-10-17): MTV has purchased Quizilla, a website popular with teens that lets you create and answer quizzes.
Toshiba's Exciting New Concept of Television Viewing (2006-10-16): Electronics giant Toshiba has created a new viewing device that allows the wearer to experience television in a full 360-degree view.
Kim Jong-Il Goes Nuclear (2006-10-10): World leaders are furious at North Korea for detonating a nuclear device in a test, but it's unclear whether the explosion was nuclear or just a traditional bomb.
Elephants In Retreat as Time Shows Elephant's Rear on Cover (2006-10-09): The Bob Woodward book and Foleygate now have the Republicans is full retreat mode, just 30 days out from the midterm elections.
Circulation Grows for Healthy Living Mags (2006-10-05): An article from Media Life Magazine says circulation is growing for healthy living titles.
Newspaper Website Readership Jumps 31% (2006-10-04): Reuters reports on a new NAA study that found online newspaper readership jumped 31% in the first half of 2006 Online newspaper readership should continue to climb as people abandon print newspapers for the Internet.
Saudi Arabia Builds a Wall (2006-10-04): The Saudis have decided that Iraq is such a disaster that they are building a 550 mile wall along the Iraq-Saudi Arabia border.
Bob Woodward and the White House's State of Denial (2006-10-02): Bob Woodward dropped a bombshell on Washington, D.
Congressman Foley Resigns in Disgrace (2006-09-30): Florida Republican congressman Mark Foley resigned in disgrace yesterday after ABC news got copies of the emails and instant messages that Foley sent to a 16 year-old male page.
Good Magazine Donates Subscription Fees to Charity (2006-09-29): A new magazine is focusing on altruism.
MechMuse Launches Free Audio Magazine (2006-09-28): MechMuse Ltd.
Newsweek to American Public: You Can't Handle the Truth (2006-09-28): In a striking display of cynicism, condescension or something else entirely Newsweek decided that the American people can't handle the truth about Afghanistan: that the Taliban is taking over again.
Magazine Launches Expected to Plunge (2006-09-27): New York Business reports that the launch of Conde Nast Portfolio in May, 2007 may be the last of the mega magazine launches.
Schwarzenegger Signs Global Warming Bill (2006-09-27): Today California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law groundbreaking legislation to fight global warming.