Media News Page: 32
White House: Ken Who? (2006-07-05): Former Enron CEO Ken Lay died of a massive coronary at his Colorado vacation home.
CSMonitor Extends Free Archives Back to 1980 (2006-06-23): The Christian Science Monitor recently celebrated the 10-year anniversary of their website: csmonitor.
Gemstar Acquires Jump the Shark (2006-06-22): Gemstar-TV Guide has acquired the Jumptheshark.
Earth Is the Hottest It's Been In 400 Years (2006-06-22): Scientists from The National Academy of Sciences reported to Congress that the Earth is the hottest it has been in 400 years.
Iran, Diplomacy and the Price of Oil (2006-06-20): According to U.
Conditions In Iraq Deteriorating Quickly (2006-06-19): The Washington Post reports on the shocking conditions in Iraq which were revealed by an intercepted a cable marked "Sensitive" from the U.
Whales 1, Japan 0 (2006-06-16): In a last-minute surprise victory for anti-whaling nations such as Australia and the United States, Japan failed in its attempt to gain a majority of pro-whaling seats on the International Whaling Commission.
The Googleplex Expands (2006-06-14): Google continues to merrily expand.
Karl Rove Escapes Indictment (2006-06-13): In the surprise of the day it was announced that Karl Rove has managed to escape being indicted in Plamegate.
Ringtones Adults Can't Hear (2006-06-12): Students are now using a cellphone ringtone that adults can't hear.
Senate Fiddles While Iraq Burns (2006-06-07): Well, let's see.
Travel + Leisure and The Knot Launch Romantic Travel Magazine (2006-06-05): Travel + Leisure and The Knot, Inc.
Poll Lists George W. Bush As Worst President In Last 61 Years (2006-06-01): In a recent Quinnepac poll American voters named George W.
Hachette Filipacchi Launches Shock Magazine (2006-05-31): Hachette Filipacchi has published a new magazine called Shock Magazine that promises shocking photographs in each issue.
Starbucks Planning to Sell Books and Possibly Digital Content (2006-05-29): Starbucks is planning to start selling selected books according to a Marketwatch.
Pope Benedict Visits Auschwitz (2006-05-29): Winding up his trip to Poland, Pope Benedict made an emotional visit to Auschwitz, in which he broke with tradition by asking the question "Why did God allow the Holocaust to happen?" Stanislaw Krejewski of the Polish Council of Christians and Jews noted that it was a very Jewish speech: the Pope quoted the psalms which are part of the Jewish tradition and create a link between Christians and Jews.
Pat Robertson, the Magic Protein Shake and the 2,000 Lb. Leg Press (2006-05-27): Televangelist Pat Robertson claims that he can leg press 2,000 pounds. A magic protein shake helps him achieve this astounding feat.
New Women's Soccer Magazine Launches (2006-05-25): A new women's soccer magazine called Fair Game has been launch in the U.
Ken Lay Verdict: Guilty On All Charges (2006-05-25): A federal jury in Houston, Texas has convicted Ken Lay and Jeffrey Skilling of fraud and conspiracy charges for their role in the collapse of Enron.
McClatchy Sells Philadelphia Newspapers (2006-05-24): The AP reports that McClatchy Co.