Media News Page: 34

This is page 34 of the media news archives.

Mexico To Decriminalize Possession Of Recreational Drugs (2006-05-03): Well, I have to admit that I sure didn't see that one coming.

Crowd Control Made Easy: The Riot Slimer (2006-05-02): The search for a new, non-lethal tool to use on unruly crowds of people has reached a new high: the enterprising scientists at the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas, have applied for a patent on the new Riot Slimer, which allows police or troops to spray non-toxic goo all over a crowd, causing them to slip and fall on their behinds.

Study: Nearly 75% Still Listen to Radio (2006-05-01): A new study has found that 74% of American still listen to the radio daily.

Stephen Colbert, Truthiness and a Shocked Press Corps at White House Correspondents Association Dinner (2006-05-01): Comedian Stephen Colbert of Comedy Central's hit show The Colbert Report had a tough assignment Saturday night: he was the featured speaker at the White House Correspondents Association Dinner in Washington, D.

Bush Approves Another Dubai Outsourcing Deal (2006-04-28): Today President Bush approved a deal under which a Dubai-based company will take over control of several U.

Bush Tells The O.C. That He Was Diplomatic To The Max (2006-04-25): President Bush spoke today to business leaders in Orange County, Califoria and managed to thoroughly confuse everyone present.

Bush Warns Americans Of Long, Tough Summer Ahead (2006-04-24): President Bush warned Americans that it's going to be a long, tough summer because of rising gas prices.

Buyer's Remorse: Kerry Would Beat Bush Easily If Election Were Held Today (2006-04-22): A new Bloomberg/Los Angeles Times poll shows that if the 2004 presidential election were held again today, John Kerry would easily win.

Kevin Sites' Hot Zone Builds Audience (2006-04-20): An AP article says journalist Kevin Sites started his Kevin Sites in the Hot Zone site on Yahoo so that he could "tell smaller stories about human lives.

Bush Visit No Fun For Hu (2006-04-20): Dana Millbank at The Washington Post discusses the diplomatic disaster that was Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit to the White House today.

Backfence Acquires Bayosphere (2006-04-19): Backfence has acquired Bayosphere in a merger of two citizen journalism websites.

Newspapers Win Pulitzers for Katrina Reporting (2006-04-18): The Times-Picayune of New Orleans and Sun Herald of Biloxi, Mississippi have both won Pulitzers for Public Service.

The Revolt of the Generals Escalates (2006-04-17): Time magazine reports on what is becoming known in military circles as "The Revolt of the Generals.

Sister Inc. Magazine Launches This Summer (2006-04-14): Sister Inc.

The Secret Building Projects in Iraq You'll Be Paying For (2006-04-14): The Iraq strategy grows murkier by the day.

New Report Shines Light on Bush's False Biolab Claims (2006-04-12): The Washington Post embarrased President Bush today when it reported today that new Pentagon documents prove that the President knew full well that those supposedly "mobile biological weapons labs" found in Iraq really really nothing of the kind.

Gallup Poll: Americans Suspicious of Bush's Role in Plamegate (2006-04-11): A new Gallup poll reveals that the American public is not happy over President Bush's leaking of classified intelligence to punish the wife of a war critic.

Sy Hersh: Bush Plans War on Iran (2006-04-10): The hot topic on the Sunday talk shows was Sy Hersh's new article in The New Yorker in which Hersh says that President Bush has plans to go to war with Iran, and will use tactical nukes to take out any sites suspected as being connected with a nuclear weapons program.

Sunrise Senior Living Launches Sunrise Magazine (2006-04-07): Sunrise Senior Living has launched Sunrise magazine.

Scooter Libby Names President Bush as the Leaker in Chief (2006-04-07): The Plamegate investigation took an interesting turn this week when special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald filed court papers which revealed that Scooter Libby named President Bush as the Leaker-in-Chief.