Media News Page: 35
General Wesley Clark Eyes 2008 (2006-04-03): General Wesley Clark appears to be testing the waters for a 2008 Presidential run.
Borders Bans Issue of Magazine Containing Mohammed Cartoons (2006-03-31): Borders has banned the April-May issue of Free Inquiry because the magazine published some the controversial Mohammed cartoons.
Las Vegas Residents Have Some Surprises In Store For Them (2006-03-30): A Senior Defense official announced that the U.
Meez to Sell Custom 3D Avatars (2006-03-29): Forbes has a story about a company named Meez that has an interesting business model: selling 3D avatars and avatar outfits.
More Americans Now Call Themselves Democrats (2006-03-29): A new Gallup poll shows that more Americans now consider themselves Democrats than Republicans, with 33% considering themselves Democrats.
New Magazines Like Cookie Focus on Upscale Parenting (2006-03-28): USA Today has an article that discusses two new publications that focus on upscale parents: Cookie and Wondertime.
Fed Raises Interest Rates (2006-03-28): The Wall Street Journal reports that the Fed raised interest rates again and signaled that this may be only the beginning of another series of interest rate hikes.
CNN Redesigns Homepage (2006-03-27): CNN has redesigned their homepage so that it displays more information than before.
The Immigration Issue Moves to the Front Burner (2006-03-27): After James Sensenbrenner got his bill through the House of Representatives, the Latino community (with some "unofficial" help from the Mexican government) organized a series of protests across the nation this past weekend.
Moussaoui Trial Reveals Pre-9/11 FBI Bungling (2006-03-24): Testimony by two FBI agents in the Zacarias Moussaoui trial was supposed to prove to the jury that if Moussaoui had not lied to the FBI, the 9/11 attacks could have been prevented.
Dick Cheney's Traveling Requirements (2006-03-23): The Smoking Gun has obtained a copy of the official list of demands from Dick Cheney when he travels.
Youth and Broadband Users Read Web News (2006-03-22): USA Today reports on a new PEW study confirms the widely accepted knowledge that young people generally use the Internet for news and are spending less and less time with TV news and print newspapers.
Whiny Kids Grow Up to Be Conservatives (2006-03-22): A new study concludes that whiny, paranoid, insecure kids who crave authority grow up to be conservatives.
The Bloggiest Newspapers (2006-03-21): Pressthink has a feature on the best blogging newspapers in the U.
The Atlantic Leads Ellies With Eight Nominations (2006-03-20): The finalists for the National Magazine Awards (the Ellies) have been announced.
Yet Another Dubai Deal (2006-03-20): Those who were saddened by the demise of the Dubai Ports deal can take heart: apparently yet another Dubai-based company is now poised to take over another U.
Debt Ceiling? What Debt Ceiling? (2006-03-18): Congress blew the lid off of the spending cap Thursday by voting to allow President Bush to borrow $781 billion in order to keep the government going.
The Other Dubai Deal (2006-03-15): Time magazine reports on another Dubai deal that most Americans don't know about: a Dubai firm has landed a huge contract with the U. in Talks With Studios About Movie Downloads (2006-03-10): The New York Times reports that Amazon.
The Ports Deal is Over...Or Is It? (2006-03-10): DP World of the UAE has announced that it is withdrawing from the deal in which it would take over a number of U.