Media News Page: 38
The Bush-Abramoff Photos Could Turn Up Soon (2006-01-23): Time magazine reports that it has seen five photos of President Bush with disgraced lobbyist/admitted felon Jack Abramoff, leading to another round of tap dancing from White House press secretary Scott McClellan.
The Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Disaster (2006-01-20): The New York Times is one of many newspapers detailing the absolute nightmare that is the new Bush-sponsored Medicare prescription drug plan.
Weak Buzz for Google Video Store (2006-01-19): Google's new video store, Google Video, is not getting much of a welcome in blogs or columns.
Supreme Court Stops Government From Blocking Oregon's Assisted Suicide Law (2006-01-17): The U.
Ralph Reed Feels the Heat (2006-01-16): The Washington Post examines the political future of former Christian Coalition leader Ralph Reed who is running for lieutenant governor of Georgia.
PBS Launching Media and Technology Blog (2006-01-14): Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) is launching a new blog called MediaShift on January 18th.
Alito and Roe: the Road Ahead (2006-01-13): As the Judiciary Committee confirmation hearings come to a close, it appears that the Democrats do not have enough votes to filibuster Alito.
CNN Launches CNN Pipeline (2006-01-12): CNN has launched CNN Pipeline, a new service that lets web users watch up to four live news feeds at once, changing feeds at any time with a single mouse click.
The Alito Hearings: Day Two (2006-01-11): Day Two of the Alito confirmation hearings was a little more exciting than Day One.
Borrowing Money From China: The Blowback Begins (2006-01-10): This morning brings some bad news for the U.
Tales of the Young Jack Abramoff (2006-01-09): The new issue of Time magazine leads with a story about how Jack Abramoff came to power, defrauded just about everyone he came into contact with then turned them all over to the feds when he got caught.
Bremer: The Iraqi Insurgency Was a Surprise to Us (2006-01-06): Paul Bremer reveals that the Iraqi insurgency was a total surprise to him and the Bush administration.
The San Francisco Chronicle Press Debuts With Two Books (2006-01-05): The San Francisco Chronicle Press, a new division of The San Francisco Chronicle, recently debuted its inaugural books, according to Narda Zacchino, Editor of The San Francisco Chronicle Press and deputy editor of The Chronicle.
Eavesdropping Without a Warrant (2006-01-04): MSNBC's Tucker Carlson weighs in on the NSA spy scandal and Bush's assertion that he doesn't need anyone's permission to eavesdrop on American citizens.
Jack Abramoff Cuts a Deal (2006-01-03): Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff has reportedly cut a plea deal in both his Florida and Washington, D.
The Path of Fiscal Irresponsibility (2005-12-30): U.
The Rise and Fall of Jack Abramoff (2005-12-29): The Washington Post lays out the story of the rise and fall of uber-lobbyist Jack Abramoff whose legal woes could bring down a number of prominent politicians.
The NSA Data-Mining Program (2005-12-26): The New York Times reports that the breadth and depth of the NSA's warrantless spying program is much greater than was originally reported.
Dick Cheney and the iPod (2005-12-22): Most of us are used to seeing teenagers and 20-somethings bobbing their heads to music only they can hear through their iPods.
Pope Benedict's Interesting Hat (2005-12-21): Well, here's something you don't see everyday: the current Pope looking suspiciously like Kris Kringle.